_👤Rev. Dr. Chris Oyakhilome DSc DSc DD_

📅 SAT. 27TH APRIL 2024


And if Christ [be] in you, the body [is] dead because of sin; but the Spirit [is] life because of righteousness (Romans 
Often, in a well-translated King James Version of the Bible, you'd observe some parenthesized words due to missing links in the manuscripts. Consequently, the correct rendering of our opening verse ought to have been, "And if Christ be in you, though your body is dead because of sin, the Spirit gives it life because of righteousness." The updated New International Version actually renders it similarly.

Then we come to the 11th verse of the same Romans 8; it says, "But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you." 

The word translated as "but" doesn't necessarily have to be 'but'. It's best rendered as 'and', 'now', 'then' or 'so'. Either of these foregoing words provide a more fitting connection.

So, let's now put these in the right context and read: "And if Christ be in you, though your body is dead because of sin, the Spirit gives it life because of righteousness. 

Now, if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you" (Romans 8:10-11).

Even now, as you read this, if your physical body has already been so battered, bruised, damaged and ravaged by sickness and disease, there can be a change. 

If it has been paralyzed, the Holy Spirit can give life to your physical body and restore you to perfect health.

It's one of the reasons we speak in tongues. The Bible says, "He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself..." (1 Corinthians 14:4). 

The Greek word translated "edifieth" is "oikodomeo," which means to construct or build up, to embolden or charge up like you'd charge a battery.

Thus, the one who speaks in tongues builds himself up, charges himself, and rejuvenates himself. 

What happens when you do this is that the power of God within you courses through your being, vitalizing your physical body. 

Spend some time right now to speak in tongues; the power that's at work in you even now will revive, vitalize and produce life in your body or wherever you require it.

        🙏 P R A Y E R
Dear Father, I thank you for the impact of the Holy Spirit in my life and on my physical body. I activate the power by speaking in tongues; therefore, I'm invigorated, refreshed, energized and vitalized; health courses through my being, and sickness and all that hurts and binds are dispelled, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

          📖 FURTHER STUDY:
Acts 9:32-34;  And it came to pass, as Peter passed throughout all quarters, he came down also to the saints which dwelt at Lydda.
[33] And there he found a certain man named Æneas, which had kept his bed eight years, and was sick of the palsy.
[34] And Peter said unto him, Æneas, Jesus Christ maketh thee whole: arise, and make thy bed. And he arose immediately. 

Romans 8:10-11 AMPC;  But if Christ lives in you, [then although] your [natural] body is dead by reason of sin and guilt, the spirit is alive because of [the] righteousness [that He imputes to you].
[11]  And if the Spirit of Him Who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, [then] He Who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also restore to life your mortal (short-lived, perishable) bodies through His Spirit Who dwells in you.

1 YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Luke 22:39-65 & 1 Samuel 29-31

2 YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Romans 16:12-27 & Psalm 135-136

Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo*

_Saturday, April 27th 2024_

(The Life Of Glory Is Yours Now)

📖TO THE BIBLE: Romans 8:30 AMPC “…Those whom He thus foreordained, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified (acquitted, made righteous, putting them into right standing with Himself). And those whom He justified, He also glorified [raising them to a heavenly dignity and condition or state of being].”

Do you know that Christianity is a call to a life of glory, righteousness, greatness, honour, and peace? It’s a present-day reality. 

We have the Christ-life—the glorified life of Christ—in us now! Think about it: if Christ is your life, then everything about your life should be absolutely divine. How, then, could you be said to have an incurable ailment?

Colossians 3:3–4 NASB tells us something super sublime; it says, “For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 

When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.” There was a replacement of your natural human life by His divine life. 

The Lord Jesus took your depraved, defeated, destroyed, and broken human life away from you and gave you a life of glory and righteousness.

The darkness, misery, infirmities, and pains that were associated with your old human life have all passed away. 

You’re now in a new environment—the environment of His glory and righteousness. That’s why your life is full of glory, and you produce fruits and works of righteousness. 

Have and walk in this consciousness. Be full of faith and confidence, knowing that your life is the expression and manifestation of these truths. Hallelujah!

📚Go Deeper:
Colossians 1:26-27; 1 John 4:17; John 17:22

I’m full of faith and confidence, knowing that my life is the expression and manifestation of the glory and righteousness of Christ. I have the life of Christ at work in my spirit, soul, and body. Glory to God!

📙Daily Bible Reading:
Luke 22:39-65, 1 Samuel 29-31

Mark 5:35-43, Leviticus 27

Meditate on the opening verse of Scripture throughout today.
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Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. (Ephesians 6:16)

A soldier in a combat is expected to have armours on. One of such armours is a shield. A shield is a piece of armour worn or carried on the arm to protect against the opposition’s attack.

As God’s child, you’re a soldier! That’s why the Bible instructs you to take up God’s whole armour, and more importantly, to always have your shield on, which is your faith (Ephesians 6:13-17). 

Your faith protects you from negative thoughts that the devil will want to bring to your mind.

So, fill your heart with God’s Word by meditating and declaring it always. This is how to take on the shield of faith.

1 John 5:4

My faith is a weapon of defense and an instrument of victory. With it, I’m continually victorious because my faith is the victory that overcomes the world! Hallelujah!

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